
Cities Skylines Road Mod

Edit: with collections for 1-click subscription to these mods.I'd say these are the must-have mods for my cities: (in order of musts). bulldozes abandoned and burned buildings automatically. adds a button to turn roads into one ways, and another to make them two ways. I prefer this over the C:S default method (which I still haven't figured out.).

  1. Cities Skylines Road Mods Download
  2. Cities Skylines Road Mod Map

Mods for Roads, Traffic and Transport Networks for Cities: Skylines. Cities skylines; road (and 2 more). Use Advanced Road Anarchy. It's a safe mod, disabled. These roads can increase traffic congestion but allow for less restricted pathing for cars through cities and so small two-way roads make for ideal low traffic roads. It is possible to change one-way road to two-way and vice-versa using the road building tool in upgrade mode (exclamation mark button).

ability to take remove pillars from roads and tracks, so it's possible to make overpasses. Can also put pillars on the sides (like the railways).

gives you degrees that roads turn and number of tiles that they cross, so it's a lot easier to make patterns and the like. just like that query tool from SC4, tells you where a vehicle is going, or where traffic is coming from and going to from a specific road segment. lets you select, say, the resources view and build without the view disappearing. Super useful when zoning for specialized industries, or putting down trees to decrease noise level.

more details on your mass transit lines. puts a little draggable window that shows configurable settings: water, power, health, education, etc. Capacity. there are more realistic numbers of people living in houses and skyscrapers. So maybe 2 families in a home, by 200 people in a bigger building. you can bulldoze by highlighting the area you want to take out!

Also select trees, buildings, nodes or all of those to bulldoze. puts a clock in the bottom right hand corner, so I'm more conscious of how much time I'm playing. can decide the budget from the info view, so no more guessing on how much money to budget to power. Also customizable windows for budgets. resize the toolbar, and scroll through assets with the middle mouse button no matter whether the mouse is in the box or on the little arrow!!. unlocks the 25 tiles, but also increases the price to more realistic levels.

So buying a second tile is now 200,000 instead of 6,000. A bit more challenge and makes you think about zoning more.

clouds get annoying, makes everything look so foggy. This takes out the clouds.Extras, in no order, that takes care of annoyances:. bunch of options for zooming, but the settings are intimidating. I use it for the ability to view my city from a specific vehicle/cim's point of view. So, for example, watching my city from a train as it winds through the tracks.

zooms to where you point. Scroll all the way in for first person view, all the way out for satellite view. enables all info buttons in the beginning of the game. filters out the common/useless chirps from cims.

So you don't read about watering plants 1000 times. gets rid of chirp and instead places a scrolling marquee banner up top. Reddit Chirpy - was this taken off of the workshop? 'cuz I love that mod. Adds titles from subreddits you choose ( for example) into Chirpy.

More entertaining notes!. automatically picks colors and names for transit lines.

changes the road colors to a nice, deep, black. Black like freshly made roads. roads look more familiar to Americans. can favorite your cims to track them over time. Also lets you see who exactly works/lives in a particular building, who drives that car.

Cities: Skylines has been near the top of the Shacknews Chatty's community's playlist for weeks, but there are still those that are looking to get started on the city builder. And for those folks, they'll need to get up-to-speed on the game's robust modding scene. Developer Colossal Order was not exaggerating when they said they were opening the game to just about any kind of mod imaginable and wading through them can be a tall task. Fortunately, Shacknews and its Chatty community (poster aethyr, in particular) have found some of the must-use mods to maximize your Cities: Skylines experience. Proper HardnessCities: Skylines is among the most accessible city builders out there and is simple to pick up and play. In fact, some may say it's a little too simple. There are some criticisms that the game has proven too easy.

For those folks, there's the mod from creator emf.This mod will focus on tweaks that will up the challenge significantly. Workers will report to work, traffic will despawn slower, taxes will increase, fire and floods will spread faster, and many other difficulty tweaks will make Cities: Skylines feel a bit more realistic and make running a city the tall task that it should be.

Traffic Report Tool 1.2This has been one of the most requested features in Cities: Skylines. But before Paradox and Colossal Order could address the need for a route query tool, user Black Widow has stepped in and inserted one into the game via this mod.will allow users to select cars on any road to view their destination. Selecting stretches of road will highlight all of the cars set to drive across it and selecting buildings will display any cars that are driving towards it.

It's a helpful tool that can help solve some of the traffic problem by showing what areas are in need of the most attention. Extended Road UpgradeSome roads need a bit of polish. Sometimes, a traffic issue needs to be addressed (or created) by turning a two-way road into a one-way street. Colossal Order has addressed this need in a recent patch, but user Wiliz is looking to make the UI to this component a little bit neater.Rather than use the standard upgrade tool, the allows users to create one-way roads using click-and-drag controls.

Give this a look for a quick way to create potential ramps or side-streets into a crowded area. NoPillarsThe city sometimes isn't big enough for roads and train tracks. Fortunately, user some danny has come up with a way to create elevated structures without the pesky presence of pillars. That means train tracks could be placed on top of roads, allowing them to coexist without any trouble.removes the collision for existing objects by switching a new setting to 'Overlap.' This will remove the collision for roads and tracks that are built atop of one another.

Cities Skylines Road Mods Download

The possibility for crazy new roundabouts is out there and it's through this mod. Zonable Pedestrian PathsSometimes, pedestrians just need a place to walk safely without concern of overcrowding.


A road all to themselves should solve this issue. Luckily, user jfarias has come up with this mod that creates paths set exclusively for pedestrians and city vehicles.The mod will create giant roads for use mainly by pedestrians. The only vehicles that will be allowed are service vehicles, like ambulances and garbage trucks. This will give pedestrians an alternative path and is another way to help address any growing traffic issue.Any favorite Cities: Skylines mods that we should know about?

Let us know in the comments. Ozzie has been playing video games since picking up his first NES controller at age 5.

Cities Skylines Road Mod Map

He has been into games ever since, only briefly stepping away during his college years. But he was pulled back in after spending years in QA circles for both THQ and Activision, mostly spending time helping to push forward the Guitar Hero series at its peak. Ozzie has become a big fan of platformers, puzzle games, shooters, and RPGs, just to name a few genres, but he’s also a huge sucker for anything with a good, compelling narrative behind it. Because what are video games if you can't enjoy a good story with a fresh Cherry Coke?