
Connection As Sys Should Be As Sysdba Or Sysoper

  • The SYS user is automatically granted the SYSDBA privilege upon installation. When you log in as user SYS, you must connect to the database as SYSDBA or SYSOPER. Connecting as a SYSDBA user invokes the SYSDBA privilege; connecting as SYSOPER invokes the SYSOPER privilege. EM Express allows you to log in as user SYS and connect as SYSDBA or SYSOPER.
  • 'ORA-28009: connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPER' when reconnecting a SYSDBA session (234478).
  1. Connection As Sys Should Be As Sysdba Or Sysoper Download
  2. Oracle Ora-28009 Connection As Sys Should Be As Sysdba Or Sysoper
  3. Connection As Sys Should Be As Sysdba Or Sysoper File

Hi, Does anyone know how to connect as SYSDBA via OracleConnection under.Net 3.5? Added System.Data.OracleClient as a project reference. Using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Data;using System.Data.OracleClient;string connectionStr = 'user id=SYS;password=blablabla;Data source=TURTEST;';OracleConnection oraConn = new OracleConnection(connectionStr);oraConn.Open;This returns 'ORA-28009: connection to sys should be as sysdba or sysoper' when trying to open the connection.

Action: Try connect sys/ as sysdba or connect sys/ as sysoper. ORA-28009: 'connection to sys should be as sysdba or sysoper': This occurs from Oracle 9i onwards if you try to connect as user SYS just by specifying username/password. Instead you must connect 'as sysdba': sqlplus 'sys/sys@tnsname.world as sysdba'.

Connection As Sys Should Be As Sysdba Or Sysoper Download

Does anyone know how to connect as a priv'd user?

Oracle Ora-28009 Connection As Sys Should Be As Sysdba Or Sysoper

Sys and system are 'real schemas', there is a user SYS and a user SYSTEM.In general, unless the documentation tells you, you will NEVER LOG IN as sys or system, they are our internal data dictionary accounts and not for your use. You will be best served by forgetting they exist.sysdba and sysoper are ROLES - they are not users, not schemas. The SYSDBA role is like 'root' on unix or 'Administrator' on Windows. It sees all, can do all. Internally, if you connect as sysdba, your schema name will appear to be SYS.In real life, you hardly EVER need sysdba - typically only during an upgrade or patch.sysoper is another role, if you connect as sysoper, you'll be in a schema 'public' and will only be able to do things granted to public AND start/stop the database. Sysoper is something you should use to startup and shutdown. You'll use sysoper much more often than sysdba.do not grant sysdba to anyone unless and until you have absolutely verified they have the NEED for sysdba - the same with sysoper.Addenda: Nov 2017Thanks for some good additional information from Paul Alsemgeest from Netherlands to bring this content up to date:In the versions from 12c onwards, you will also find roles SYSDG, SYSBACKUP and SYSKM.These are somewhat less powerfull than sysdba, and meant for special user actions.SYSDG for using Data Guard, SYSBACKUP for.

Yes backup actions with RMAN and such, and SYSKM for security handling with TDE (Transparant Data Encryption). If you are very strict, you can use them all. Maybe this is usefull if you have multiple DBA teams with seperate responsibilities. I have not seen it yet. If you are alone on a small environment, SYSDBA will work where DBA is not enough.and you rated our response.

In the versions from 12c onwards, you will also find roles SYSDG, SYSBACKUP and SYSKM.These are somewhat less powerfull than sysdba, and meant for special user actions.SYSDG for using Data Guard, SYSBACKUP for. Yes backup actions with RMAN and such, and SYSKM for security handling with TDE (Transparant Data Encryption). If you are very strict, you can use them all. Maybe this is usefull if you have multiple DBA teams with seperate responsibilities. I have not seen it yet.

If you are alone on a small environment, SYSDBA will work where DBA is not enough. We are being forced to give up the sqlplus / as sysdba as that is a SOX violation in our Exadata world where we have multiple databases on the same server. If one is granted sysdba to a database user who is a DBA. When the account get locked they can still log in as sqlplus as sydba, then enter the password to get in. It allows you in to shutdown or startup or whatever as sysdba, even if the account has been locked. What is you suggestion so that sqlplus / as sysdba is disabled and individual DBA's id's can log in to startup or shutdown databases?

Connection As Sys Should Be As Sysdba Or Sysoper File


FollowupJanuary 10, 2018 - 12:50 am UTCThis is more to do with.where. you are allowing DBA's access to. If you give someone local access to the server (in the dba group) then yes, you are basically giving them the keys (because you could do whatever they want at an OS level anyway).If you protect that server access (as you should) then sysdba access becomes controlled in the normal manner.