
Hole Punch In An Id

  1. Id Card Punch

To play Devil's Advocate most procedures I have seen state 'unexpired drivers license' and not valid drivers license.and evenA bank using documentary methods to verify a customer’s identity must have procedures that set forth the minimum acceptable documentation. The CIP rule gives examples of types of documents that have long been considered primary sources of identification. The rule reflects the federal banking agencies’ expectations that banks will review an unexpired government-issued form of identification from most customers.I would not suggest that anyone accept ID that is not valid but would it be acceptable by policy?

Ozya - you are in PA and the DL is from PA. These are rhetorical questions to think about.1. Ken's guidance is my experience - the hole is nothing to me, but what about the person's address? Application address same as DL's with the hole? Is the address 'current'?2. If from PA and the hole implies they got another state's DL - why?3.

In PA, they return hole-punched ID cards. The hole goes in the upper right corner, where, as Randy suggested, it takes out a portion of the ID number, and also renders the magnetic stripe on the reverse useless.


If your CS staff would ask a simple question, you wouldn't be left wondering - 'Hey why the hole?' Each State can do what it wants with it's DL's and other's if issuing a new one. I submit that the hole action is a licensing/law enforcement function that has no bearing on CIP other than to insert some doubt in the attempt to do BSA stuff and form 'a reasonable belief as to the identity of the person'.I would ask a couple of questions, but wouldn't worry too much about it if the answers were forthright. Heck we can take a Government card issued by 'Nicaragua', we should be able to take a current PA card with a hole in it - or the BSA would say so.Maybe it means they donated $1,000 to the Toys for Tots program.

Id Card Punch

In Hawaii a little red flower sticker means you are a 'real' resident, vs someone without one.Honestly, I think we navel gaze (second guess ourselves) too much about these regs. Just follow the letter of the law.