
Victoria 2 Cold War Mod

CWE brings Victoria 2 into the Cold War era and beyond. This is the ultimate Cold War mod with a slew of special features such as ideological blocs, dynamic international institutions and decolonisation chains to accurately simulate the Cold War and Post-Cold War world.

Installation Instructions:Copy CWE and CWE.mod from the CWE.zip file to the mod directory of your Victoria 2 Programs File.CWE requires Victoria 2 Heart of Darkness Version 3.04 which includes the beta patch. Please delete your map cache prior to starting a new version of the mod for the first time.CWE music files:I separated the music file from the main mod file. This was because the zip file size was reaching the Moddb size limit. You can get the music file to attach to your main mod file from.Github link:While the Moddb file will give you big changes between versions, you may still feel that you wish to follow the mod more closely so I have made a Repository with the mod where you can download the most up to date Dev version of the mod. Hello settintotrieste,first i must say a very,very big thinks for your great job. I spend a very lot of time with this mood and i love it.But i have one problem, when i play the 1992 scenario with South Africa i start with the socialist ANC, but the 'ANC' become 1994 after the first free choices the power in South Africa.

Maybe you can make this so, start 1992 with the 'NP' and become event for free choices or not. When yes 'ANC' is ruling Party, when not you become very high civil unrest.This is not critic, only a idea.


Sorry for my bad english.Very, very big thanks for your job. I make a little, little bit modding self and its really a very lot of work.Greats from Germany+2 votes. Hey the kingdom of Egypt claimed both Sudan and suez so that in case the Egyptian revolution would fail you could add events for Egypt, to negotiate the withdrawal of the British army from Sudan, if the British accept then the Sudan becomes the puppet of Egypt under British flag, and after for example 5 years an event could be triggered that says that the British have completely evacuated the Sudan according to the agreement and that is when you through that event the Kingdom of Egypt can annex the Sudan+3 votes. The British will never hand over Sudan to Egypt peacefully as their policy in 1951 when king Farouk crowned himself King of Egypt and Sudan was to maintain the condominium or grant self determination.

So much so that Nasser felt that the only way to force Britain out was to renounce their claims as well. I’ve done a change in the latest github version to allow the kingdom of Egypt to gain cores over Sudan in 1951 which they can use to annex Sudan once Britain grants it independence via the generic independence events. The Egyptian monarchy was overall quite friendly with the British and I want to simulate this in game with the lack of cores over the Suez and Sudan until 1951.+1 vote. Hello,i must say i like the idea from Lugetro.In the last Versions with the Occupation Provinces i think i fount some bug.In one Game Netherland not give the Rheinland and Friesland to Germany back. And 1952 UK declare war on Netherlands.In a other Game its come the Occupation Province from the Sowjet Part from Germany, with primary culture White Angelo. After this declare the Sowjets war on Occupation Provinces, annex them and form the DDR.

And the primary culture is White Angeolo.This both situation i become in a game with Egypt and South Africa and i not make unhistorical was in this Games.Sorry for my bad English. Thanks for your work. Posting here because I didn't get a response on the Paradox subforum thread.So i'm playing a game as France trying to hold on to the Empire, and i'm having a lot of fun - but it's 1956 and the 'dissent amongst colonial subjects' event keeps firing. Like, once a day.

It has one infamy and -10 prestige every time and I think it's broken. Shouldn't it just fire once?Another thing - a TON of bugs playing as France. Winning independence wars against Algeria is pointless because it automatically becomes independent by event, which really.

me off. Moreover, I won the Vietnam War as they tried to secede - and then the event 'French Defeat' caused my political party to lose 25 percent support, even though I won the war!Infuriating. Really fun mod, but a lot of problems.I would also add that the economy seems quite broken.

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Victoria 2 Cold War Mod Reddit

All of my factories except oil are completely unprofitable as France, and this is with highly developed industrial tech. How are you supposed to play under these conditions? I am cheating and using the console a lot to overcome this stuff.EDIT: Also, France does NOT have an operable populist party. I will look in the files and try to find out why.+2 votes. Hello, first of all, thanks for the really great mod:))))I have some ideas to maybe make the game betterIn 1992 South Africa did not start with the National Party but with the ANC, which only came to power in 1994. Could not you make an event where, as a National Party, you decide to give up power?

Or maybe only partially deliver?Could not Oman be given the enclave from the tip of Dubai as it happened in HFM and HPM? Find the enclave has a strategic value.For me, there are only in the 46 version of the Olympic Games, but not in the 92er.Thank you and a nice weekend:))))+1 vote. Its very interesting, im never hear before from this Plan.

Victoria 2 Mods Download

Im very like this on this game, all time you learn new facts over history. Im from East-Germany, but this was new for me.Only one im now found not so good, its about change ministers. With National Party i have all time Minister 'Prince of Terror'. Its for games with South Africa frustrating. You become +0,05 Infamy, 'Total Onslaugt' its to +0,10 Infamy. So you can make nothing about Infamy in War all time more and more. With Option 'Motion of censure against ministers' i become all time 'Prince of Terror back.

With conservative Gouverment nations i have all time 'Great Statsmen' as Minister, its good but i found this is a to big bonus to the other nations.Thanks for your answer and work:)+1 vote.