
Where Is Underworld Fallout 3

3.) Go through Anacosta Crossing and you will come out in front of the museum of history. 4.) Enter the museum and walk into the giant skulls mouth to reach underworld.

This guide will tell you where to find all of the collectible Bobbleheads in Bethesda’s open-world role-playing game, Fallout 3. Considering the game’s popularity, it would surprise us to meet someone who never trekked across the wasteland, but considering it debuted in 2008, a new generation of players deserve to experience this beloved adventure. Thankfully, you can buy Fallout 3 cheaply for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Additionally, Bethesda re-released the game as part of the Fallout Anthology for PC.On that note, there are 20 Bobbleheads in Fallout 3 and a whole lot of ground to cover. Don’t wander aimlessly.

We’ll tell you where to track down every one of these collectibles. Side note, you’ll see zones, latitude and longitude in. #01: Energy Weapons BobbleheadTo find the first Fallout 3 Bobblehead, go to zone 1.01, specifically Raven Rock at latitude -28 and longitude 28.

You’ll find it on level 2 of the Colonel Autumn’s quarters, resting on a table. #02: Big Guns BobbleheadYou want to visit zone 1.04 at Fort Constantine, latitude -17 and longitude 26. Proceed into the CO’s quarters and check the open safe. #03: Endurance BobbleheadFor this Bobblehead, go to zone 1.07 at Deathclaw Sanctuary, latitude -22 and longitude 20. Walk into the first chamber and check the pile of bodies.

#04: Explosives BobbleheadJourney to zone 1.11 at the WKML Broadcast Station, latitude -17 and longitude 18. It’s inside of a sealed cistern near ham radio. #05: Speech BobbleheadHead to zone 2.08 at Paradise Falls, latitude -09 and longitude 16. Walk to Eulogy’s Pad and check the table for the Bobblehead. #06: Perception BobbleheadTime to visit zone 3.03, The Republic of Dave, at latitude 19 and longitude 27.

Why Fallout 4 Is Bad

Proceed to the Museum of Dave and inspect the bookcase. #07: Agility BobbleheadYou’ll find the Bobblehead at zone 3.06, Greener Pastures Disposal Site, latitude 07 and longitude 21. Walk into the office and pick up this collectible off the table.

#08: Repair BobbleheadSet a course for zone 5.07, Arefu, latitude -11 and longitude 06. Walk inside Evan King’s home and grab the Bobblehead off the table. #09: Science BobbleheadJourney to Vault 106 (zone 5.12) at latitude -09 and longitude 01. When you’re inside Vault 106, head to the living quarters and the medical bay eastern wall. Collect the item off the shelves.

#10: Charisma BobbleheadNow you’ll need to explore Vault 108 at zone 6.06, latitude 18 and longitude 06. Find the Cloning Lab and take the Bobblehead off the table. #11: Lockpick BobbleheadTravel to the Bethesda Ruins (zone 6.07) at latitude 05 and longitude 03.

When you get there, proceed to Bethesda Offices East. Go to the top floor and check the desk in the middle room. #12: Small Guns BobbleheadPack up and visit the National Guard Depot (zone 6.11) at latitude 18 and longitude -03. Find the Armory and take the Bobblehead from equipment storage. #13: Sneak BobbleheadNow head to the Yao Guai Tunnels (zone 7.01), latitude -28 and longitude -04. Go to Yao Guai Den and explore the eastern section of the central cavern. The Bobblehead is on a metal crate.

#14: Barter BobbleheadTake off across the wasteland to Evergreen Mills at zone 7.04, latitude -18 and longitude -07. Find the Bazaar and specifically Jack’s northeast alcove. Check the top right shelf behind the workbench for the Bobblehead. #15: Melee Weapons BobbleheadSet a course for Dunwich Building (zone 7.11) at latitude -26 and longitude -18. Find the Virulent Underchambers and take the Bobblehead from the mall maintenance room. #16: Unarmed BobbleheadPick up and go to Rockopolis (zone 7.C) at latitude -26 and longitude -07. The Bobblehead is right next to Argyle’s corpse.

Where is underworld fallout 3 cheats

#17: Medicine BobbleheadThis one was right under your nose in Vault 101 (zone 8.01) at latitude -04 and longitude -04. It’s on Dad’s clinic table.

#18: Strength BobbleheadBy now you’re familiar with Megaton (zone 8.03), which resides at latitude -01 and longitude -06. Go into Lucas Simm’s home and then the sheriff’s bedroom, where the Bobblehead sits on a table. #19: Intelligence BobbleheadTake a trip to Rivet City (zone 9.15) at latitude 18 and longitude -17. Walk right into the Science Lab and collect the Bobblehead from the table. #20: Luck BobbleheadFinally, go to the Arlington House (zone 16.03) and look for the Bobblehead in the cellar on the shelves.Now check out!


Page Tools.Steps. Learn more about the escaped android. Search for clues about Zimmer's missing androids.

(Optional) Discover what Dr. Preston knows about the android. Find out what Pinkerton at Rivet City knows about the android.Part 1 Rivet City is a settlement at the far southeastern end of the Capital Wasteland.

You have to visit this city several times during your main adventure, but side quests aplenty (or simple exploration) will bring you to Rivet City at other times, as well. Therefore, when and how you run into the man responsible for this side quest, a scientist named Dr. Zimmer, is completely random. Chances are you'll meet him in Dr. Li's laboratory when you visit her about Project Purity, but if you find Rivet City before then, or want to talk to Dr. Zimmer afterwards, you will have to scour Rivet City to find him. As you can see via the screens below, Dr.

Where Is Underworld Fallout 3 Cheats

Zimmer and his bodyguard Armitage can literally be found roaming Rivet City.Dr. Zimmer's request is extremely specific, and what's more, there are several ways to wrap this side quest up.

Some of them are quicker than others, but we have a really quick surefire solution for you below. But first and foremost, you're going to want to pick Dr. Zimmer's brain about everything he knows. Zimmer comes from a place known as the Commonwealth, which he says is up north.

Ravaged by nuclear war, just like the rest of the country (or world), Zimmer and his colleagues at an institute there created artificial intelligence in the form of androids. And one of those androids, named A3-21, happened to escape.

This android was charged with finding other escaped androids, but unlike those other escaped androids, A3-21's specifications make him a must to find. It would be hard to replicate that kind of science in a brief time.From here, things begin to get convoluted. And that's where we at IGN Guides come in, naturally. There are myriad people spread around the Wasteland that can help you find the android (and if you spoke to Zimmer and then forgot about this side quest, chances are you've seen branches in conversation trees with random characters go in the direction of the escaped android). There are four types of people you have to talk to, each having a specific set of information. We'll begin in the familiar surroundings of Megaton, where Moira Brown, shopkeeper at Craterside Supply, will have something to say on the android. Pick her brain about the android (whether you convince her with speech or pay her off is up to you), but once she's spilled the beans, you'll know what your next objective is.

From here, things get convoluted. There are literally a dozen (or more) people you can speak to about the android still, even some in the very same settlement where you just spoke to Moira Brown. Finding these people is totally up to you, the gamer, but know that from here, it's not exactly necessary to do. If for some reason speaking to Moira alone didn't do the trick for you, chances are you need to talk to more people or find Holotapes with the necessary information on them, strewn throughout the world. Big Town, The Citadel, The Underworld, Megaton, Tenpenny Tower, Rivet City, and even Paradise Falls have the pertinent information you need via both people and Holotapes (and either will do).

So, get searching! Part 2 Moira Brown (or the last person you spoke to) will likely have alerted you to the fact that a man named Pinkerton at Rivet City knows what the deal is. If you did Moira Brown's Wasteland Survival Guide in its entirety (as outlined in this very guide), chances are you have already visited Pinkerton in the broken-off part of Rivet City. Getting there, if that's the case, is as easy as using the door at the end of a makeshift bridge at the back end of the ship (see the screens below). Otherwise, you're going to have to infiltrate the ship via the underwater entrance where Rivet City has split in two.

To avoid redundancy, you should probably just go ahead and see the side quest information for Wasteland Survival Guide for more on that.Again, we're assuming you've been to see Pinkerton before, and thus can breach the back end of the ship. If you can do this, then you'll be able to find Pinkerton exactly where you did during the Wasteland Survival Guide quest, but remember! - you can always go back and visit our Wasteland Survival Guide if you need to breach this area from the ship split.

When you find and speak to Pinkerton, he'll initially act like he has no idea what you're talking about in regard to the android. But if you press him (and it won't take much), he'll reveal to you that the android Dr. Zimmer speaks is none other than Rivet City's very own chief of security, Harkness!

Well, this turns everything on its head, because you likely know Harkness from your time spent in Rivet City. How will you use this newfound information? It's likely by this point that a random woman has confronted you on the Wasteland, anywhere you might be.


Where Is Underworld Fallout 3

She's an advocate for freeing enslaved androids, and gives you a piece of an android that you can show Zimmer to cool his jets in regard to finding his lost android. Of course, you don't have to use it, but it's almost definite that this woman has found you and handed off this item to you to do with as you will.Well, naturally, you have options. On the one hand, you can tell Harkness so he can get away from Zimmer. Or, you can tell Zimmer that Harkness is the man you're looking for.

Hell, you can do both if you really want to. But we did the right thing here. First, find Harkness roaming around the main area of Rivet City. If you don't find him outside the door leading into the ship (primarily by way of the marketplace), you'll almost definitely find him roaming around the marketplace itself. Speak with him and break the news to him. If you want him to go on a rampage, be as thoughtless and provocative as possible.

Otherwise, break the news to him gently. That way, he'll hand over his gun to you.

You'll likely have to utter the secret password Pinkerton told you to prove it all to him, but that's fine. Do what you must.When that's done, you can now visit Zimmer. While the mysterious doctor from the Commonwealth will wander around the ship at will before you speak to Harkness, you'll likely find him in Dr. Li's lab thereafter. Run down and speak with him and his bodyguard Armitage (who is an android too, if you haven't figured that out yet). Just like with Harkness, you can deal with this how you want. We personally lied to Zimmer and told him that the android part we got from the android liberator earlier was actually a piece of Harkness, thus proving he's dead (or at least no longer in these parts any longer).

You can rat out Harkness if you want, but we opted not to! Zimmer then handed us a measly fifty Bottle Caps and went on his way. Thanks for nothing, doc.