
Screensaver Not Working Windows 8

Mar 10, 2014  Since upgrading (?) from Windows 8 to 8.1 the usual screensaver does not come on at all. I have tried everything I can think of and what suggestions I can get from whatever source to solve this problem, but have failed. Does anyone know of a conflict that could be causing this problem. Aug 19, 2016  GPO screensaver timeout not working. By GarfieldMaximus. However when going to the screensaver settings in windows you can see the 30 min as intended with the GPO. I have the screen saver enforced via GPO, but I've noticed a handful of systems that seem to ignore it.

  1. Windows 8.1 Screensaver
Screensaver Not Working Windows 8

I have just received my brand new ACER Aspire V laptop back from the factory after they tried to fix bugs in the Windows 8.1 operating system. They fixed some, but now I can't get my Administrator rights and my screensaver no longer works. I have spent hours yesterday and today online with techs from ACER and then from Microsoft. None of their fixes worked. Tonight, a Microsoft tech tried to charge me $99 - $149 to repair brand new software that should have been working properly all along. I have a custom built desktop upgraded to 8.1, I have the same problem with the screensaver and sleep functions.

I have had so many problems with 8.1 and I use my computer to work (something the designers of 8.0 really didn't consider, that some of us use computers to work), so I'm hesitant to make use of the $100 fee I already paid to get extra (well actual) help from Microsoft, from much more debilitating problems I had from the last Microsoft 8.1 update. I have to have the time (48 hours from calling in the problem to getting the appointment with the Microsoft tech) to have my computer down and to be on the phone, then I'll get back on with what they do.

It seems that there are many potential causes for the screen saver not to start according to the settings. After extensive troubleshooting, I resolved the issue by going into MSCONFIG.EXE and selecting 'normal startup'. Somehow, some of the system services had become set not to load at start up. I didn't change this setting and I'm the only administer, so I'm not sure how it happened. Nonetheless, as soon as I applied the change back to 'normal startup' my screen saver and display power off features begun behaving normally. It seems that there are many potential causes for the screen saver not to start according to the settings. After extensive troubleshooting, I resolved the issue by going into MSCONFIG.EXE and selecting 'normal startup'.

Windows 8.1 Screensaver

Somehow, some of the system services had become set not to load at start up. I didn't change this setting and I'm the only administer, so I'm not sure how it happened. Nonetheless, as soon as I applied the change back to 'normal startup' my screen saver and display power off features begun behaving normally.RE I have had the same issue with my screensaver and sleep/power-saving options not working for the last few weeks. I had this issue before, but somehow, it resolved itself. This time, it isn't and it is pissing me off.

I have tried searching for the Windows update listed and did not find it. I tried the Power Troubleshooting fix and sadly, it fixed nothing. It merely disabled the screensaver. I went into Command and did a powercfg -requests and it came back with none for every option. When I went into MSCONFIG, Windows is starting under Selective Startup. When I select Normal Startup and reboot, it reverts right back to Selective. So, what do I do now?UPDATE I found a video on YouTube suggesting to start Windows under Diagnostic Startup.


I did this and found that the screensaver activated after 1 minute. I then reentered MSCONFIG, choose Normal Startup and rebooted the machine. After 1 minute and without turning off any startup items, my screensaver loaded even though MSCONFIG reverted back to Selective Startup. I am hope that this has fixed this issue for good.UPDATE 2 Restarted the computer a second time to double check this issue and once again found the screensaver not working. When I had it working, I noticed that NZXT Cam had not booted and this time around, it had. I disabled Cam from startup and sure enough, once I restarted the machine, the screensaver was working again.

Guys i found a solution that works for me.it seems like a power stuck that affects CPU and screen saver.!Put your computer in sleep mode turn it on again.thats it.it fixes the problem for me.!My problem is slightly different but similar. I have a new Toshiba Satellite laptop L10-B1330 which I have upgraded to Windows 10.

I've set the display to go to sleep after 60 minutes using all the required settings for both battery and AC powering, but no matter what the settings are, it goes to sleep (requiring password to wake up) after 5 minutes. I just tried your suggestion. Put it to sleep and then turn it on again. To no effect. Anyone else having this issue?

(BTW this was also happening before I upgraded to Windows 10, when the laptop was running on Windows 8.1).