
The Very Best Wow Quest

WarriorA quick tour of the Warrior, a very importantclass in World of Warcraft. Because of the lack of Spirit on their equipment,their leveling is relatively slow, and they’re likely to spend some timerunning back to their corpse. In dungeons, warriors are the best at tankinggroups of mobs in WoW Classic.You won’t have any trouble findingpartners up to level 60 if you are properly geared. Once level 60 is reached,you will be preferred to other classes for raids if you’re using the Protectiontree.If you succeed in becoming yourguild’s main tank, you will be a cornerstone of your group.Warrior isn’t the best class forworld pvp, especially if you’re alone.

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You will have to be very attentive toyour environment. HunterThe hunter is the best levelingclass in the game.With your pet who tanks for you, you can easily kill multiple mobs in a row unlikeother classes that have to spend more time regening. Moreover, the hunter doesnot depend on his gear to be effective, green weapons from vendors are goodenough for leveling.In raids, the hunter is not theleading class in terms of dps, he is outperformed by warriors, mages, rogues,warlocks who do significantly higher dps.As far as PvP is concerned, huntersare OK because they have a lot of control, can continually attack from far awayand excel at capturing and recovering the flag in Warsong. Pros:. Thebest class for leveling solo and speedrunning 1-60 (world record 4 days and20h) – Check out our. Thanksto your pet, you can go from mob to mob quickly and kill elite targets easily. Epichunter quest that adds challenge to the class.

Wow Trust No One Quest

T2looks epic. Taminga pet is fun and adds more depth to the class. Kitinggameplay is really cool in solo PVE and PVP.Cons:. One of the worst pure DPS classes after the nerf at the end of vanilla. High skill cap ceiling if you want to be competitive in PVE or PVP. RogueRogue will be THE best class for all the WORLDPVP lovers. Being stealthed and starting the fight first is the mainstrength of the rogue in WoW Classic.Indeed, cloth classes will be your favorite targets, such as mages / warlocks / priests, who barely survive asurprise attack by a well-equipped rogue.In PVE, it is a T1 DPS class, but sadly rogue are an extremelypopular class in Classic WoW so it can be tricky to get a spot in raids/groups.Finally, although rogue is a verypowerful class in Classic WoW, it is also very dependent on gear, andespecially weapons to be effective.

Pros:. Best class for 1v1 world pvp (stealth for choosing when to start the fight). 2 nd best DPS class in PVE. Stealth is the best spell in the game.

Skip all the mobs for quick questing. Very fun to play. 3 different and very good specs. Undead rogue is the way to go for PVP with the racial skill for breaking fearCons:. A little bit squishy when solo leveling or when you don’t start the fight in PVP. Like warrior, it’s an overpopulated class so a lot of competition for gear and spots in groups. High skill celling, hard to master.

PriestAt level 60, the priest is the bestof all healers: he has apowerful shield and excellent single-target healing, you will always have aplace in any dungeon or raid by playing this class.In PVP, discipline and holy arequite squishy and lack mobility, but the best spec is shadow, because itcan inflict great damage on the enemy. In addition, the priest also has goodcontrol such as fear / mind control and mana burn which are perfect for thePvP.For leveling, shadow spec is themost effective. All youhave to do is use a spell and finish the enemies with your wand and have a goodfarming cycle without stopping to regen your mana. MageThe mage is a very versatileclass in WoW Classic. Effective during leveling thanks to its ability toAOE and generate its own food / drink, it will be easy to reach lvl 60quickly.Regarding PVE, the mage isthe best Ranged DPS, especially once AQ40 / Naxx opens because mages will be able to spec FIRE.In PVP, the mage has an arsenal ofextraordinary skills which allows him to achieve amazing moves such as 1vs3,thanks to their sheep, frost nova and various slowdowns.

A mage who masteredhis class will be deadly in Wold PVP and Battlegrounds. WarlockThe Warlock’s performance (like thehunter) during the 1-60 leveling phase is surely one of the most impressive.Easy and fast, the warlock shines in solo PvE.In lvl 60 dungeons / raids, it is areal support that brings damage and control. The Healthstone and the imp canbring important bonuses in complicated situations.Regarding PvP, the warlock is alsovery comfortable out of 'instanced' fights. In future phases, whenBlizzard will set up the BGs, hide behind a melee frontline and you can controlthe opponents with the Fear spell while your DoTs do the rest, feels damn good. Pros:. Great class for leveling solothanks to your pet (like hunter).

Bring a lot of utility in groups/ raids with all your dots / buffs. Free mount at lvl 40 andanother one at lvl 60 thanks to the class quest. Summoning players to get indungeon faster.

The Very Best Wow Quest

You have your own free healingpots. Really good duo leveling with ahealer because you can trade your health into mana (life tap skill)Cons:. Great in PVE but not the best. Great in PVP but not the best. Can be hard in PVP if you arealliance and you fight undeads with “Fear Immunity”. DruidSecond on the podium for levelingspeed 1-60, the druid is indeed a leveling machine thanks to the differentanimal forms. He is able to heal, tank and DPS making it a hybrid character thatcan do anything.

Very useful when you want to do some dungeons.His ability to resurrect incombat is unique and makes it a class to pamper in raids like MoltenCore or Zul'Gurub.Good in instanced PvP, the druiddefends himself well in battlegrounds but remains squishy depending on the specthat he is using during WORLD PvP sessions. He will tend to survive thanks tohis ability to changeform but will not necessarily kill his attackers. Pros:. Least played class in vanilla,so if you love this class, you’ll get all the gear. Resto is the only good way toplay a druid in PVE and you’ll always find a place in raid. Best PVP healer (Healing overtime, bear form to tank, etc.).

Unique ability in PVE with“Battle rez” that can save a raid and innervate. Best flag carrier in WSG. Early travel form to levelfaster. Good leveling skill when youhit 20 as feral.Cons:. Balance and Feral druid arekind of useless (much worse than other classes). Hard leveling until you hit lvl20, then you can spec feral and be a cat. ShamanThe shaman is an excellenthealer, he is the only class to have an AOE heal.

He is in great demandfor these totems that give a big advantage both in dungeons and raids.Enhancement is the most used specfor PvP, mainly because of 'Windfury' which can lead you to potentiallyoneshotting an enemy if you are lucky. A second PvP spec is a hybrid elemental/ restoration that gives you significant DPS ability, while still being ahealer support for the team. However, the weakness of the PvP shaman is that hedoes not have mass crowd control unlike mages and warlocks, nor does he have mobilityto escape from enemies.The shaman is not the best class forleveling, but becomes interesting from level20 thanks to 'Ghost wolf' which allows him to increase his movementspeed by 40% with a casting time of only 1 second if you have the right talents.It will allow you to complete your quests faster and you will avoid unnecessarydeaths when you are in danger. Pros:.

One of the most wanted healerin PVE thanks to the amazing totems. (Windfury especially). One of the only classes withAOE healing.

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High Burst Damage in Elem andEnhancement spec. You have a unique skill at Level20: Ghost ( 40% movement speed ) to improve leveling speed. Amazing Group Utility. Can Tank / DPS / Heal. Strong Self HealingCons:. Like all hybrid class inVanilla, Healing is the only viable PVE spec. Constant Mana Management.

Struggles vs. Multiple Targets. Not really good at leveling.

PaladinThe paladin is a hybridclass and like all hybrid classes in Classic WoW, they are'average' in every aspect. The paladin's main problem right now ishis leveling speed which is one of the worst of any class.However the paladin willshine in PVE where his buffs will be very valuable for a group / raid.Healing spec will be the way to go in PVE if you want to find a spot in agroup.For PVP, the paladin is OK inHealing spec or RET spec, with a good equipment you can have fun and kick ass!

Pros:. Best single target healer inPVE and PVP (as good as a priest) once you are geared. Really good utility in raidwith all your unique BUFFS. As a ret paladin with goodgear, you can kick ass in PVP!. Free mount at lvl 40 andanother one at lvl 60 thanks to your class quest.Cons:. Worst class for leveling (evenworse than warrior) because you are always out of mana. “Boring” class to play, yourmain source of damage will be auto-attacking as ret.

The Very Best Wow Quest Guide

Is about to get a new expansion, Battle for Azeroth, which returns to the series’ roots of faction-against-faction conflict. Returning to the status quo isn’t necessarily a bad thing, especially because the current Legion expansion’s campaign culminated with players teaming up aboard a spaceship to go and fight the soul of a planet. Blizzard has rolled out a two-part pre-expansion campaign called War of the Thorns, with two different stories for the Horde and the Alliance. War of the Thorns culminates with the Night Elf world tree, Teldrassil, being burned down.We’ve known that Teldrassil burns since BlizzCon in November 2017; we also know that the Alliance mobilizes to retake the Undercity from the Horde as a direct response. As always, the devil is in the details, and fans are taking to social media to express their unhappiness with the current story — and what it means for their characters. RelatedA Horde dividedIn order to understand why players are currently so upset, we need to go back to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.

In that expansion, the founding Warchief of the Horde, Thrall, stepped down from his position and appointed Garrosh Hellscream. Garrosh Hellscream’s story had started promisingly enough, but ended up with him committing so many war crimes that players had to team up to take him down as the final boss of the Mists of Pandaria expansion.Garrosh Hellscream’s successor, Vol’jin, was a perfectly fine Warchief. Until he died at the beginning of Legion. Vol’jin had only served for one full expansion. In his place, on the advice of his Gods, he appointed Sylvanas Windrunner, one of the Horde’s darkest characters. Many fans were hoping this would be the beginning of a new era of stability for the Horde, or a chance for Sylvanas to further evolve toward being a hero. Moment of ignitionThe Burning of Teldrassil has been central to all speculation around Sylvanas for months.

When we learned that the burning of Teldrassil kicks off the newest war between the Alliance and Horde, players were nervous but intrigued. Sylvanas was clearly present at the site the entire time, but theories began to form that she wasn’t the one who burned the tree.

Perhaps it was a false flag operation by one of the Alliance, or intervention from the Old Gods. The community buzzed with speculation.The truth was unveiled during the War of the Thorns quest line, and via the Warbringers: Sylvanas animation.

Sylvanas burns the tree, killing innocent civilians en masse and giving up all military advantage. She does this while actively denouncing the concepts of life and hope.The burning of Teldrassil is the culmination of the War of the Thorns questline, which already had many Horde players on edge. In the Alliance version of the quests, you encounter a village where everyone is dead — even the civilians — and Forsaken assassins emerge from the shadows howling “Can you hear their screams?” In the Horde version of the quest, you’re allowed to spare the civilians. But you still have to attack the forests of Darnassus, kill soldiers defending their home, massacre the local wildlife and attempt to assassinate Malfurion Stormrage, a character who has been nearly exclusively neutral in the Horde/Alliance conflict and who has been critical in defending nature from multiple threats.For many of Warcraft’s fans, this is the final moral horizon.

The Best Wow Quests

Blizzard Entertainment Player agencyA healthy amount of the outrage on social media is directed toward Sylvanas and her actions, but the majority of it comes from players who feel as though participating in the quests have made them complicit in her misdeeds. Genocide, petty destruction of properties, torture, assassination and more have all been part of the Warcraft franchise since the RTS games. The fact that every Horde player must participate in this quest — or not play the new content at all — is much more complicated.The Horde and the Alliance have both been sold as morally gray factions, with each contributing to the endless cycle of hostilities. This latest campaign positions the Alliance as innocent, while the Horde are the aggressors. The Horde is a diverse faction, and many players — Tauren druids who have worked with Malfurion, orcs and trolls who profess honor, blood elves who have seen their people invaded and slaughter, or Nightborne who only recently joined the Horde — are wondering why they are forced to participate.Between the churn and burn of Warchiefs, and now the faction being responsible for starting the newest war, some Horde players are feeling as they have to be the evil faction, while the Alliance walk away as the good guys.

Blizzard Entertainment Where do we go now?In fairness, the War of the Thorns is just the start of Battle for Azeroth’s story. The rest of the story will play out once the expansion goes live on Aug. However, the opening chapter raises questions of where the rest of the story can possibly go. Will we get our second Garrosh Hellscream situation, where Sylvanas ends up a raid boss? It would be an unfortunate end to a fan favorite character who’s been in the Warcraft universe for a decade and a half.On the other hand, how can the Horde continue to survive with Sylvanas at the helm?

Sylvanas burned a World Tree out of spite. In the prequel novel Before the Storm, she openly states that she plans to massacre the city of Stormwind and its people so that she can raise them as undead. She also thinks this will be a fantastic thing. Horde players who bought into the vision of Thrall are struggling with completing one pre-expansion campaign; what happens when they have to sit through an entire major phase of an expansion with Sylvanas running the show?No matter what twists and turns the Battle for Azeroth story takes, there’s an important lesson about player agency and buy-in to be found from War of the Thorns. It’s not as though every player hates being the villain, but to funnel the entire Horde through such a story has caused an enormous outcry. As World of Warcraft’s storytelling continues to become more ambitious, developers will have to consider how to handle a game where many people just want to be a hero.