
Windows 7 Sort By Date Modified Folders First

To achieve the sort order you prefer, first sort by Date modified column in descending order, and then do a secondary sort by Name. This is done by holding the SHIFT key and clicking on the Name column header. Thus folders remain at the top. Help - sort files in folder by time added to folder - WIN7. This made it very easy for me to track student files as they turned them into my drop box (network folder) Now with Win7 I can't figure out how to sort by 'time added' to the folder. Date modified does not really work since it will sort by the file info and not when it was actually added.

I use images to create designs I can cut out of vinyl, so I have a lot of images. Until today, when I still had Windows 7, I could save all my images by month, and I knew what month (generally) that I downloaded an image so I could find them. Some of my images are just number strings, so I don't have names to remember them. However, now that I have upgraded, I no longer have that ability. Even though I tell it to sort by date, many of my images are just random. Is there a 3rd party program that will keep all my images sorted by month and year instead of whatever they are sorted by now? Yes, I changed it to sort by date but that's not what I want and in many cases, the date it is sorting by is the date it was created, not the date I saved it, which is what I need.


Sort By Date Yahoo Mail

Now sort by date to get them all in timeline order. From here you can cut and paste them into new folders based on year or do whatever other sorting/organizing you want to do. Cutting and pasting from the search result will remove it from the folder it is in now. Might be better to create a new series of folders by year and copy and paste into them as you go. Then once it is all sorted how you now want it, you can just delete the first set of folders to get rid of them and not have.